Michigan Business Survey Panel or Poll

MEDC is seeking survey metrics and insights from Michigan business decision makers in focus industries (automotive/mobility, engineering and design, corporate and professional services, IT, advanced manufacturing including defense and automotive, life science and medical devices, clean tech/energy, and semiconductor). Topics include: Perception of Michigan's business climate and perceived barriers to business growth within the state. Request is open to bids utilizing various methodologies (e.g. phone, digital survey). MEDC will accept proposals either for a panel (with the survey to be hosted and analyzed by MEDC) or for a full study.

More Details: 

MEDC conducts an annual study of Michigan's business decision makers on the above topics to inform marketing and programming.

Historically, this study has been conducted utilizing a participant list provided by MEDC while the survey and reporting are conducted by a contractor.


  • Project Length/Timeline: 6-8 weeks
  • Budget/Range: $24,000
  • Return completed quote to MEDC via email to ahlersk@michigan.org no later than 11:59 p.m. ET on May 22, 2024.